Aww CRAP… Now What!?

Aww CRAP… Now What!?

The Mayor is on line one, CNN is on line two… and you have angry parents outside your door. Now what? For every aquatic facility, the issue is not IF a crisis occurs, it’s WHEN a crisis occurs. For years, the advice was the same: Go to your crisis plan, and hire a PR firm. Good news! You don’t need that old-school, expensive, obsolete crisis communications plan. There is a better way, and Jeff is going to walk us through it in a light-hearted presentation on a deadly serious subject. Learn why an ‘old school’ crisis communication plan is expensive, obsolete and actually puts you at a DISADVANTAGE for the one moment you need it the most. We’ll walk you through the Seven Cardinal Rules of Crisis Communication, to build trust and credibility even in the midst of chaos.



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