Susan Kruizinga

Susan Kruizinga

Susan Kruizinga is a veteran executive in the marketing, sports, and entertainment industries with over fifteen years of experience in the waterpark industry. She began her waterpark career with Hawaiian Falls Waterparks, where she was involved in the startup of three new waterparks in Dallas, Waco, and Austin, Texas. In the fall of 2015, Kruizinga joined the team at Typhoon Texas to create and implement a sponsorship program and develop the programming schedule for a new waterpark in the Houston area. Due to the success of that park, she was recruited by Premier Parks to assist in rebranding and building a waterpark in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, starting this project in September 2016. After 7 years in Toronto, she decided to return to the United States and currently holds the role of Director of Sales and Marketing for Wild Rivers Waterpark in Irvine, California, a property managed by American Resort Management. Prior to her waterpark experience, Kruizinga was with K1 International Sports Marketing & Events based in Arlington, Texas, where, as Vice-President, she directed day-to-day efforts for all marketing, event management, and tour management contracts for multi-sport events. She is a graduate of The University of Waterloo in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, where she received an honors B.A. in recreation. She currently serves as Secretary for WWA’s Marketing Committee.

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